Project Overview
The project was inspired by my musical lover friend, who complained about how inconvenient while browsing the different prices of the tickets. After researching people's ticket buying habits, finding out their needs, and analyzing the buying flows from similar competitors, I redesign and create a ticket selling platform.
How might we provide an easier way for users to explore the ticket prices more efficiently and less time consuming?
Redesign the prices sorting function and creating an easier way for users to explore the lowest prices by seating, date and price.
Before defining and analyzing the problem I started by sending out surveys and interviewing peers, who mostly graduated and started their early careers recently.
This group of audiences may interested in watching musicals/shows during the weekend and may not be able/willing to pay for the expensive seating's ticket. For people who are new to musical, they mostly started by buying the cheapest price of the seating.
To understand more about their deeper needs, I also invited 4 participants from the survey to do a phone interview and asked them to do a usability testing of purchasing seating on
Survey result
participants trend to buy a cheaper seating.
participants are new to musical and they are interested to start their first show with a cheaper price.
participants believe the price is the main factor that affect their purchasing desire.
4 particpants, who have experienced on buying musical/shows tickets, were invitied to do a usability testing of purchasing seating on And here are their thoughts and pain points.
The colour of the different seating's price are similar and some of them are hard to differentiate.
I have to open multi window tabs to comparing the available seating/price of different dates.
The theatre have several floors, I have to return back to section selection everytime to get in another sections to check the available seating.
Prices of the tickets affect the purchasing desire.
People usaully start with viewing the prices of the ticket.
The sorting function for tickets is necessary.
The ticket price can affect the selection of the date.
Competitive analysis
I went on Mirvish, and Ticketmaster and created the user flow of their ticketing viewing process to analysis the user experience. And I noticed and Ticketmaster do not sorting the seats by colours and it takes user a lot of time to hover over the seating to explore the price of each seats. When the venue contains a large amount of seating, it consumes plenty of time on picking the best seating.
Therefore, using colour to sorting the seating should help reducing the time on exploring seating by prices. But during the usability testing of the Mirvish ticketing previewing, participants have point out they got confused by the similar colours of the prices and they have to click on each seats to review the prices.
After analyzed the user flows, I noticed they all require users to hover over/click on the seating to review the prices.
The use flow of ticketing viewing
Overall findings
Through the primary research(survey & interviews), the major problem is the Mirvish seating previewing require a lot of clicking and returning to pervious page while exploring the best seating by date and section. The colour sorting is also confusing the users by using similar colours.
Through the secondary research(competitive analysis), there are different way to help user to sorting the prices but all the three competitors have the same problem on requiring user to hover over/click on each seats to confirm the prices. And this is time consuming.

To help improve the user experience on exploring best seating on lower price, I decided to redesign the price sorting and date picker.
Colours & components
To keep the colour consistently with the original Mirvish website, only four primary colours that captured from the website were used.
What I learned
Throughout the researching process, I have a better practice of researching and learned that a complicated user flow will frustrated user and provide a bad user experience. The most challenging in this project is how to improve and reduce the steps of the user flow to help user success a simple and efficient flow on reviewing seating.
Designed by Stephie Yik. All rights reserved.